Executive Coaching

Human Resources (HR) Consulting

Leadership Development

Human Capital Performance Management

Executive Coaching and HR Consulting Services

"Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy."
                                                    - Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf


Great business results can only be achieved when a company’s human capital management strategy is aligned with the overall company strategic mission.   A company must have strategies, plans, and programs designed and implemented to produce results.  Implementing those plans successfully  leads to attracting, motivating and retaining great talent.

However, even the most thorough plans will be unsuccessful unless there are competent, motivated leaders to put them into action.  People need to have leaders they can respect and follow as a business moves to the next level.  In today’s dynamic and fast paced business world, leaders need to be constantly assessing and reassessing their own skills to stay ahead of competition.  The reality of today’s time constraints also dictates that this needs to be done in real time with little time investment.

At James Bowles and Associates, we address both the formal planning and personal development aspects of a company’s human capital plan.  Our offerings in Human Resources (HR) Consulting are aimed at maximizing the effects of your recruiting, development, and management processes.  We also focus on developing leaders with our Executive Coaching aimed at making the current and future leaders of your company ready for tomorrow’s challenges.

We invite you to explore how you and your organization can build great human capital programs, and build great people, executives and managers to execute those programs.